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If you're not one to put your boat away when the temperatures lower, you should make sure that you're taking the necessary precautions so you can have enjoyable rides even if it's cold outside. For a few tips on the matter, refer to the post below.

How to Boat During Winter

Stay Warm and Safe

With the chilly weather outside, you absolutely need to dress to stay warm and safe during your boating adventures. This includes wearing warm and waterproof clothes, and a life jacket so your head can stay above water if you fall, to keep you from suffering as much damage from the freezing water. Not only that, but you should also remember to keep blankets on the boat, and to bring a change of clothes in case you or one of your passengers falls in the water.

Keep an Emergency Kit

Certain items can be literal life savers if something were to occur while you're riding. Having an emergency kit, complete with a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher, throw rings, flares, extra blankets, water, and perishable foods, can be of assistance if an unforeseen occurrence jeopardizes your safety on board. Just remember to verify the items' condition before you leave, so you can attest they're ready to be used. ;

Mind the Weather

As you normally would for any of your other boat outings, you need to check the weather before you head out. This is especially important, however, when the possibility of having rain, snow, or hail increases, as they can turn your boating experience upside down. For that reason, it's better that you mind the weather, and only choose to ride the waves when the weather is clear and appropriate, so you can have an enjoyable time with friends and family.

Have a Plan

Since the conditions can be more dangerous, it's a good idea to create a plan in case something goes awry. You should track your path precisely, designate safe spots, and know exactly which way to go if you find yourself in a less-than ideal scenario (for example, if even after you checked the weather, you find yourself in the middle of a snowstorm).

Perform the Necessary Maintenance

Needless to say, you should never take your boat out if it's in poor condition. However, providing the necessary maintenance is even more crucial when there's colder weather. If you don't maintain it properly, you risk ending up stranded out on the water under freezing conditions. That's why, you should visit a professional mechanic regularly so they can verify that your boat is ready to give you the rides you want from it. If you want to keep your boat's motor in top shape, call Lead Synthetics in Essex at (519) 728-3447. They can provide AMSOIL synthetic boat motor oil in Essex to ensure your boat's engine will be properly lubricated and protected, and working perfectly for years to come.

Watch Your Step

Slips and falls can be very dangerous: you may end up getting injured or falling into the freezing cold water. To keep that from happening, remember to watch your step as you climb in and out of the vessel, since it may be completely soaked from melted snow, hail, or rain. If possible, use special shoes and try to grab rails or sturdy parts of the boat to help your balance.

Keep Your Lights On

As you're probably aware, winter days are much shorter and darker, which can make it harder to see or be seen while boating. Not only that, but fog, snow, hail, and rain can also affect your visibility. For those reasons, it's in good sense to keep your boat's headlights on, so you can have a safer ride. Before you start your trip, remember to check the battery and the condition the lights are in, so you don't run into problems while navigating.

Break the Ice Carefully

It's possible that the body of water where you boat will have some ice during this time of year. If that's the case, try to be careful when breaking it. It's not difficult to break thin ice, as you can navigate right through it. However, if you find thicker ice, you may need to use a boat pole to do it (again, be extremely careful). If the ice is too thick, turn back around and head home.

For the Most Effective Synthetic Boat Motor Oil in Essex

Call Lead Synthetics in Essex at (519) 728-3447 to acquire the best AMSOIL products to keep your boat in perfect working condition. You can also browse the online store to purchase the most effective synthetic boat motor oil in Essex.